arlene surprenant
10/16. (Arlene Surprenant): Prayers requested for my sister Joyce who was rushed to hospital today from her kidney docs office after falling and not able to move. She will have surgery on her tibia and knees and get results of kidney tests tomorrow then be moved to rehab. She has only one leg and diabetes and has been leaning on her daughter Dawn who can no longer care for her at home. Continued prayers for my husband Vaughn who fell today and back bleeding all over. He has TENs machine in back to control his severe back pain and has to go back to pain docs office tomorrow. New neurologist diagnosed him with alzheimers. Trying to get a diagnosis for last five years and memory has been getting worse. I have 7 doctors lined up for me for next few months. Some serious issues which I believe are a result from living with stress too many years. Sorry for the length. Heartfelt thanks for all for your caring thoughts and prayers.