You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Sue Mock
(Sue Mock): Bob's 94 year old uncle fell down his stairs on Sunday. He has extensive injuries and has just been put on Hospice care and will probably pass soon. We are blessed that a family member works at the hospital so he hasn't been completely alone but we aren't able to be with him and love him in his last hours. There can be no funeral and he will be buried alone. I don't know how to make peace with this. I know God is with him but this is hard.
Received: March 28, 2020
Lisa Ruvo for Armand
(Lisa Ruvo): Prayers for Armand who has contracted the virus. he lives in NYC and when he first went to the hospital his symptoms were not critical and because of a lack of beds they sent him home with medication. Now his breathing has gotten very bad but he does not want to go back to the hospital. He does not want to take a bed/ventilator away from someone else. Prayers that his family can convince him that his life is just as important as someone else's. Prayers that this horrible crisis will soon pass.
Received: March 28, 2020
June Nuzzo for Debbie Ball
(June Nuzzo): A coworker that is a neighbor of Debbie Ball has asked for prayer for Debbie. Recently she had a heart attack that led to an infection which led to a blood clot in her left arm. It appears that they may have to amputate her arm. Debbie is a long time member of our church
Received: March 25, 2020
Barbara LeGrand for Cindy Pfluger
(Barbara LeGrand): Cindy Pfluger has asked for prayers for serious health decisions she will have to make soon. Thank you
Received: March 25, 2020
Carol O'M for the MacConnells
(Carol O'Malley): A report from Leslie tonight--"Mark is doing better. For me (Leslie), some things have gotten better but, because I am prone to respiratory infections and I have asthma something wicked is settling into my respiratory tract. I have an incredible earache the likes of which I've never known. The doctor has me on all kinds of meds and I had my first "virtual visit" today. Prayers are the best medicine and all are welcomed....Our God is greater than any virus--His will be done!" Leslie
Received: March 25, 2020
Robin Fulco
(Robin Fulco): Update: Sadly, Christine was removed from life support after suffering a stroke on Sunday and tests showed no brain activity. Prayers of comfort and strength for her husband, two young sons (infant and preschooler) and her extended family. (The original post was on March 23rd.)
Received: March 25, 2020
Lynda Byrne
(Lynda Byrne): Please pray for our friend, Herb, who is in the hospital with the corona virus.
Received: March 24, 2020
Wesley Joseph
(Wesley Joseph): Please pray for DinaLee and Peter Hernandez's son William, who is sick, maybe with the coronavirus.
Received: March 23, 2020
Barbara LeGrand
(Barbara & Ray LeGrand): Prayers please for the family of our dear friend Barbara Devir who passed away very suddenly. Prayers for her husband, two daughters and three granddaughters.
Barbara was so loved by many and her passing will be a huge loss. Peace and comfort for all.
Received: March 23, 2020
Carol OMalley
(Carol OMalley): Thank you for your prayers for my sister, Dale Fox. Results from biopsy showed No New Cancer. Praise God.
Received: March 23, 2020
Jonathan Grove
(Jonathan Grove): Please pray that God would draw me closer to Himself through Jesus Christ. Thank you so much.
Received: March 23, 2020
Phyllis Forde
(Phyllis Forde): Debbie Ball had heart surgery and got an infection. While being treated for that she had stroke.. Now she's having problems and may be facing limb amputations. She is Col Presby in NYC. Please lift her up in your prayers. She has much ahead of her. Pray for her husband Tim and their family. Thank you.
Received: March 23, 2020
Laureen Friary
(Laureen Friary): Katie Peluso gave birth on Friday to her baby girl, her husband Phil succumbed to his lung cancer the next day.
Please keep this family in your prayers!
Received: March 23, 2020
(Anon): Christine, a wife, and mom to two small boys, had emergency brain surgery on Friday evening, March 20th. The doctors found a 3 inch mass (pathology report is not back yet). Christine is currently in a medically-induced coma on a ventilator. This morning she had a fever. Due to the pandemic situation, her husband is limited as to the amount of time he can be with her.
Received: March 23, 2020
(Eva): Please pray for my friend, Mike Esposito, who has a bad stomach virus.
Received: March 21, 2020
Julie Donato
(Julie Donato): Please pray for these requests...
My Dad Charles 87, and Mom Ruth, 81 who live in Oceanside, CA...My mom is on treatments for metastatic breast cancer which lower her immune system. It is so hard to be so far away from them.
Emily & Pete VanSton are expecting on April 23rd. Please pray they have a healthy baby and no problems and for protection.
And, for Valerie Campbell who is due in June.
Received: March 21, 2020
Virginia Young
(Virginia Young); Leslie MacConnell has been diagnosed with the Coronavirus. Mark, her husband, is showing symptoms. Both are quarantined at this time.
Naomi, Leslie’s daughter, has been exposed at work and by her mom and is now also on quarantine.
May our Lord grant healing and peace to this family.
Received: March 20, 2020
Lisa Rvuo
(Lisa Ruvo): Prayers for our friend Jim who has been undergoing treatment for cancer. The Dr did a routine catheterization yesterday to make sure his heart was okay. They found 3, (98%, 93% and 92%) blockages. He will need to have open heart surgery but because he is not in distress in breathing and not experiencing heart pain this is now considered elective surgery under the rules of coronavirus. Pray for his wife Joann who is trying to figure this all out while speaking to the doctor by phone because she is not allowed in the hospital.
Received: March 19, 2020
(Karen S.): Plz pray for my dear friend whose sister-in-law died recently from a sudden heart attack.
Received: March 19, 2020
Laureen Friary
(Laureen Friary): My friend's son was with somebody last week who is now exhibiting symptoms of COVID19.
Please pray for all those involved and for my friend who's nervous and is not living with him
Received: March 19, 2020
Carol OMalley
(Carol O'Malley): Please add my sister, Dale Fox, to your prayer list. Surgery on Thursday, 3/19, to remove a lesion on her bladder. Dale went thru treatment for bladder cancer which ended in October; this lesion was found on her 2nd followup procedure about a week ago. Please pray this is not again cancer, and if so, that it is contained to the bladder and can be successfully treated. Thank you!
Received: March 17, 2020
Kim Cogswell
(Kim Cogswell): Please pray for my son Chris. He had surgery for cancer not long ago and it seemed all looked good but his last round of bloodwork came back elevated again. He's scheduled for a CT scan tomorrow to see what's going on. With his cancer history they want to make sure there's no damage to his heart, kidney, liver, etc. With everything going on with the COVID-19 virus now this put Chris more at risk. Please pray for good results that are easily explained and the doctors know the best course of treatment.
Received: March 17, 2020
Phyllis Forde
(Phyllis Forde): Prayers for Erica just diagnosed with breast cancer. She has two teenage daughters.
Received: March 17, 2020
Virginia Young
(Virginia Young): My surgery has been cancelled by the hospital. They must conserve supplies for emergencies. I do not know what the future holds.
Thank you all for your loving support and continuing prayers.
Received: March 16, 2020
I struggle with being single and I have a strong desire to get married. Please pray that Jesus Christ would help me meet the lady He wants me to marry. Thank you so much and God bless you all.