

There are a variety of volunteer opportunities available at Hopewell Reformed Church. On Sunday, we need greeters, ushers, prayer volunteers, and coffee hosts. Do you have an interest in landscaping, gardening, finance, building repairs, or safety? Our committees are always looking for new members. The childrens and youth programs have opportunities available, along with our missions and study groups. 

Another volunteer opportunity is the Extended Care Team, which provides care and support for those individuals who are unable to join us for fellowship and worship. The team delivers meals, flowers, birthday parties ‘on wheels’ for those 90+, and friendly companions. They conduct sing-a-longs in nursing homes, and visitation to shut-ins.


Discipleship Contact Email
Leading Small Group Neal Marsh nl1marsh@yahoo.com
Leading Bible Study Consistory hrchurch@hrcrca.org
Sunday School Teacher Linda Smith hrchildren167@gmail.com
VBS Linda Smith hrchildren167@gmail.com
Nursery Care Linda Smith hrchildren167@gmail.com
Youth Ministry Rebecca & Josue Ramos Rebeccaramous.yl@gmail.com
Fellowship Committee Lisa Ruvo l.ruvo@hrcrca.org
Parenting Conference/May Linda Smith hrchildren167@gmail.com
Living Nativity Lisa Ruvo l.ruvo@hrcrca.org
Chilli Cook Off NEED COORDINATOR hrchurch@hrcrca.org
Turkey Dinner Lisa Ruvo l.ruvo@hrcrca.org
Marketing/PR NEED COORDINATOR hrchurch@hrcrca.org
Serving as Liturgist Paul Varanouskas pvaranouskas@gmail.com
Host Coffee Hour Ofelia Napolitano ofemoto@aol.com
Tech Team (Audio/Video) NEED COORDINATOR hrchurch@hrcrca.org
Visual Arts (Worship Team) NEED COORDINATOR hrchurch@hrcrca.org
Design Announcement Slides NEED COORDINATOR hrchurch@hrcrca.org
Bells of Praise Edwina Pratt edpratt523@gmail.com
Hopewell Chorale Edwina Pratt edpratt523@gmail.com
Music Contemporary Service Becky Taylor mrsbtaylor01@gmail.com
Music Traditional Service Wesley Joseph wt.joseph@gmail.com
Ushers Ann Bell mabellinga@aol.com
Greeters Judy Michaelis jamichaelis@aol.com
Communion Servers Charlotte Garrison dgson@optonline.net
Prayer and Care
Prayer during Service Matt Williams realexec@me.com
Prayer Team Diane Volk skycare@optonline.net
Extended Care Donna Schiehsl donna.schiehsl@gmail.com
Pastoral Care Colette Varanouskas  ColetteV.HRC@gmail.com
Buildings & Grounds/Finance/ Office
Buildings & Grounds Team Will/Mary Jackson willjackson@frontiernet.net
Lawn Care Bill Proal wrp233@aol.com
Finance Committee Jim Haass jameshaasshrctreasurer@gmail.com
Office Technical Support (computers/telephones) NEED COORDINATOR hrchurch@hrcrca.org
Mission Team Nelson/Sue Nieves nievesnj@yahoo.com
Mission Garden Nelson/Sue Nieves nievesnj@yahoo.com
Meal delivery Hudson River Housing Lisa Ruvo l.ruvo@hrcrca.org
Love INC Claire Vigna claire.vigna@aol.com
Beds Inc Dave Scholes descholes@zoho.com
Kids Hope Jennifer Colucci jcolucci170@gmail.com
HugsSav Laureen Friary laureenfriary@gmail.com
Odyssey Chris Snider csnider2nd@aol.com
Hope on a Mission
Bridge Builders
Sowers of the Kingdom Paul Pearson pearsonpe@gmail.com
Crop Walk Nelson/Sue Nieves nievesnj@yahoo.com