REVIVAL 2024 –  October 11th @ 6:30PM to October 12th @ 2pm


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Join Us for this uplifting event at

Hopewell Reformed Church
143 Beekman Road Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Your Hosts:  Arlington Community Church * Bethel Missionary Baptist Wappingers * Casa Servir * Light Keepers, Odyssey * Sound of Life * The Gathering at Faith Assembly * Vineyard Church * Hopewell Reformed Church
The Lineup:  David Pettigrew ~ Caleb Freeman ~ Jason Gray ~ Praise Bands from Dutchess County
 Our goal is to praise God continuously for 18 hours of unbroken worship.  Our hope is that offerings of music, testimony, prayer and fellowship will give glory to God, invite a movement of the Holy Spirit, bring people into a closer relationship with Jesus Christ and lead to the growth of local churches and the strengthening of their partnerships for the purpose of building the Kingdom of God in the Hudson Valley. 

Volunteer Registration is Available NOW – Come share in the behind the scenes 
Guest Event Registration is available NOW!  
This is a FREE event but PLEASE REGISTER since seating is limited.  Car Pool and Bring Lawn Chairs