You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Jeanne & Scott Campbell
6/23 (Jeanne & Scott Campbell): Pls pray for our daughter Heather Arpin. Complicated pregnancy. In hospital in Boston.
Received: June 25, 2024
Andrew Pick
Prayer for Andrew Pick
6/23. (From the Web...Andrew Pick): Healing from chronic fatigue sleeping too much. Also stress relief and spiritual happiness also pray for weight loss my weight is causing health issues pray God gives me motivation strength and enjoy exercise and desire to exercise and protection from enemies witchcraft cursing my health praise God thank you for praying and remove any witchcraft on me and protection restoration and remove curses I might have spoken over myself and God to punish anyone performing witchcraft on me and God to protect me permanently from evil spirits causing me depression anguish
Received: June 23, 2024
Andrew Pick
6/23. (From the Web...Andrew Pick): Healing from blocked salivary gland and pain relief and increase my faith and protection also pray for healing from bump inside of thigh on leg
Received: June 23, 2024
6/23. (Betsy M.): My knee is better now but I fractured a rib - please pray for healing.
Received: June 23, 2024
arlene surprenant
6/21. (Arlene Surprenant): Prayers please for Stacy. Scoliosis causing more back pain recently and nothing can be done. She is really down. Thank you
Received: June 21, 2024
Laureen E Friary
6/21. (Laureen Friary): Karen MacLeod has an infection in the knee that had surgery almost 6 months ago. She is currently in surgery to remove hardware and clean it out. She will be 50% weight bearing after, which will complicate her recovery.
They had just discovered there was a fracture in the other knee which needs a knee replacement.
Pray for guidance, and caregivers and families .
Received: June 21, 2024
June Anne Nuzzo
6/5. (June Nuzzo): Praise that I finally have air conditioning as I have been without for several weeks! Prayers for my son Shaun and his girlfriend Anne who are traveling tomorrow for their first time to Europe for her brother's wedding in Berlin and they will visit Prague and Copenhagen for a brief stay before they return. I pray for peace of heart for me and a wonderful trip for them to experience Shaun's heritage and blessings on Anne's brother's wedding Daniel and his soon to be new wife Amelia
Received: June 20, 2024
Sarah Phillips
6/20. (Sarah Phillips): My sister, Debbie, passed this morning in her Texas home. She was 75 years old and had been diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015. She stopped medications May 2024. Thankfully, all her immediate family, including me, were able to visit with her and her husband Bill in the last 5 weeks. Thank you for your prayers along the way. I know Bill will miss her especially. They would have celebrated 46 years of marriage on June 24.
Received: June 20, 2024
Marjory Fiorile
6/20. (Marjory Fiorile): I will be having surgery Friday June 28th to repair a torn rotator cuff. Please keep me in your prayers
Received: June 20, 2024
Ha-young Shin
Please pray God to grant us(you, your loved ones, Jung-won, Ui-seop, Ha-young, Ye-young, Eun-tae, In-sook) complete and permanent turning back to Him and complete union with His Son when all our bodies are alive. So that each of us may become the unique treasure of the one true God, serving only Him and living forever.
Received: June 19, 2024
Please pray for the Lord to guide me in a potential relationship towards marriage witn a believer suffering from Church Hurt and does not attend church. They work weekly job and ond 3rd shift on Friday and Saturday night. Please pray for us both to discern God's will and for Him to make it amazingly plain according to His will.
Received: June 18, 2024
Nancy Geysen
6/16. My granddaughter, Genevieve, broke her right arm, right above the two wrist bones. This happened yesterday (Saturday). Prayers for a quick recovery and that they can get her into the doctor very soon.
Received: June 17, 2024
Sarah Phillips
6/16 (Sarah Phillips): Update: Thank you to all who have been praying since I first posted May 25 about my sister. Debbie is in her last days as she is suffering from cancer and its devastating scourge on the body. I am grateful for time I had with Debbie and her husband, Bill, last week in the Dallas area. Please pray for Debbie’s soul, for all family especially Bill, and: Tom, Britt, Katie and Nate as they are flying out to have final moments with sister/Aunt Debbie today through Wednesday. Thank you. As you can imagine, I am sorely grieving.
Received: June 16, 2024
Eva Kara
6/15. (Eva Kara): Please pray for all the homeless people in the Bronx new York please.
Received: June 15, 2024
Marrijane Raptopoulos
6/11. (Marijane Raptopoulos): Thank you to all who have prayed for my housing situation. I will move into my new home(apartment) July 1st. Still minutes away from church! This is a true miracle and gift. Bless you all and special thanks to Doug and Collette.
Received: June 11, 2024
Kimberly S Cogswell
6/11. (Kim Cogswell): Please pray for my strength as I continue to fight Aaron for the company I have built. He is extremely vindictive and I honestly don't know where this is leading legally and now we are down a vehicle that I don't have the funds to repair with all the extra expenses fighting this battle, other recent vehicle repairs, taxes due, etc. I really need the Lord's guidance here, I feel lost at the moment.
Received: June 11, 2024
Carol OMalley for Jim Irvin
(Carol OMalley): Please pray for Jim Irvin who was taken to Vassar Hospital this evening in severe pain. He's having tests to determine the cause, possibly kidney stones. Please pray that the pain is eleviated and the cause is determined and treatment can begin. Thank you.
Received: June 10, 2024
Sunday Prayer Card Requests, 6/09/24
6/9/24. Sunday Prayer Card Requests:
(Toni Viau): My brother Ralph has congestive heart failure. Please pray medication will help and that he will find Jesus.
(Sophia): Pray for 13 yr old Logan. He has cancerous brain tumors.
(Jan Bushey): Prayers for my sister Dawn who was released from the hospital after 3 weeks for rehab until an assisted living facility is available.
Received: June 10, 2024
Douglas Leonard
6/7 (Doug Leonard): Please pray for Sandra Colacino, a new member at HRC. Sandra fell and broke several vertebrae.
Received: June 7, 2024
6/7. (From the Web..Anon): Pray for emergency prayers for Anna who was just rushed to the hospital she has bad case of pneumonia. Pray for a full recovery. She is an amazing artist and teacher. Pray for healing for my Aunt Antsy and other relatives including myself. Bless that my sister and I both get amazing fulltime jobs. I know in my heart god will open up the doors if all pray for miracles. Thank you & God Bless
Received: June 7, 2024
Rick Soedler
6/7. (Rick SoedIer): would like to thank those who have been praying for my mother Dolores as she continues to rally from her recent health issues. Please continue to keep her in your prayers and that the Lord shows us what he has planned for her.
Received: June 7, 2024
6/5. (Sarah): Update: Today I am taking a flight west to be with my sister who is dying from cancer. Please pray for safety, wisdom, comfort for all involved. Also, moral support for my precious husband who will be holding down the home front.
Received: June 5, 2024
Susan nieves
6/4. ( Sue Nieves): Please pray for one of our missionaries Mike Reilly. He is going to Brazil on Thursday with Samaritan's Purse to help with the flooding there. Pray for the team's safety and for all the people effected by the floods
Received: June 4, 2024
Sunday Prayer Card Requests, 6/2/24
6/2. Sunday Prayer Card Requests
(Katlin Ciralli): Prayers for healing for my father-in-law, ralpj, who underwent major stomach/small intestine surgery. Healing for him to breathe on his own and for his recovery.