You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
2/2 (Anon): I’ve been having some health issues. Please pray that God would use this to draw me closer to Him and that I would have confidence and assurance in Him. Please pray for healing as well. Thank you
Received: February 2, 2025
Phil and Robin Fulco
2/1/25 (Phil & Robin Fulco): Update on Nicky's heart/liver transplant. He is in ICU and doing okay after a 24-hour surgery.
A few ups and downs but nothing that is unexpected according to the doctors.
Please continue to keep him and his family in your prayers.
Received: February 1, 2025
Kimberly S Cogswell
1/30/25 (Kimberly Cogswell): Please pray for me and my family. I think I am at the end of me. I have held on a long as I can to my business. Without a miracle I think it's over. Winters are always slow but I can't even make payroll this week. I need some guidance because I don't know what to do.
Received: January 30, 2025
Phil and Robin Fulco
1/29 (Phil & Robin Fulco): Nicky, the son of a good friend of ours, is scheduled to have a heart and liver transplant on Thursday, January 30th, at Columbia Presbyterian. He has been in the hospital for over three months waiting for donor organs. He is in his early 40s and has a rare congenital heart issue. Prayers for Nicky, his family and the medical staff as he undergoes this this very complicated surgery, and that his body will not reject the new organs.
Received: January 29, 2025
Toni Viau
1/29/25 (Toni Viau): Please pray for Alena , her husband Mihai , and their baby Nova . Alena is 5 months pregnant, through blood tests the Dr ‘s discovered she has lymphoma.Today was her first chemo treatment.
Received: January 29, 2025
Prayer Card Requests, Sunday, 1/26/25
Prayer Requests from Sunday Prayer Cards:
1/26 (Helene Wright): Please pray for my sick 14 yr old granddaughter, Lucy, who refuses to eat and for my daughter who is having a very stressful time.
1/26. (Priscilla): Please pray for severe financial and transportation issues causing much stress, anxiety & panic attacks for my husband. Pray for him to have more faith & also to be willing to go to the doctor.
1/26. (Priscilla): Please pray for the relationship between my son and his stepfather for some form of acceptance & forgiveness for each of them and so it doesn't stand between mom & son.
Received: January 29, 2025
1/29/25. (HRC--Veronica): My son in law is going blinder day by day. He is the at home parent. he getting very very worried about how he can take care of everything. He not been able to drive for a while finally admitting to my daughter. He handing in his keys / she still has him as first person to pick the kids at school when they're sick / and is so wrapped up in trying to keep their latest pregnancy that she's not hearing his cries for help !!!!
Received: January 29, 2025
1/29 (Veronica): My oldest Daughter has had miscarriages. it left her very emotional shaken she pregnant again please pray she keeps this baby
Received: January 29, 2025
susan Nieves
1/27 (Susan Nieves): Eva Kara asked for prayers for the people at Abilities First who are mourning their good friend Mary.
Received: January 27, 2025
Donna Schiehsl
1/26 (Donna Schiehsl): My son, Brad Warren was just rushed to the hospital with severe abdominal pain and vomiting. They just called in a surgeon.
Received: January 26, 2025
Jeanne and Tom Csillag
1/22 (Jeanne & Tom Csillag): Please pray for the soul of our nation. We are at a crossroads where we can demonstrate our faith as Christians by showing kindness, charity, forgiveness, and brotherhood. Please join me in prayer for Bishop Budde at the Washington National Cathedral as she spoke truth to power.
Received: January 22, 2025
Prayer Card Requests from Sunday, 1/19/25
1/19/25. (Sunday Prayer Card Requests):
(Becky Norman): Jen Waitz's sister was diagnosed w/a form of blood cancer.
(Anon): I am in need of prayer for my health, my family, and my worker's compensation case
(the Colucci Family): Praying for Bella, away at WVU & sick with the flu this week as she heals, prepares for classes & cheer tryouts. Praying for health & success & strength & calm for her. Thank you!
Received: January 22, 2025
Colette Varanouskas
1/22 (Colette Varanouskas): Please continue to pray for Holly Collins who is back in the hospital with gallbladder issues.
Received: January 22, 2025
Roseann Weiss
1/20 (Roseann Weiss): I humbly request prayer for a kidney stone surgical procedure that will be done this Wednesday, January 22nd. Please pray that all goes well, there are no complications, and a quick recovery. Thank you very much!
Received: January 20, 2025
Kimberly S Cogswell
1/19 (Kimberly Cogswell): Please pray for my friend Donna's Uncle Ross, who was in an accident last Thursday and is in the hospital in and out of consciousness with severe head and face injuries.
Received: January 19, 2025
1/18 (From the Web..Anon): Praise the Lord for new jobs for D and S.
A man deceived me, now suing for money I don't owe. I have heart failure, depression, and CFS - now getting much worse.
Representing myself in Court but struggling. I need healing, more time to send documents, and hearing postponed.
Life now endless illness, fatigue, depression and hassles. Really struggling to want to keep going.
Received: January 18, 2025
Vickie Gallagher
1/18 (Vickie Gallagher): Please pray for the passing of a long time friend who passed this morning.....she was 106.
Received: January 18, 2025
Carol OMalley
1/17 (Carol OMalley): Please pray for Ann Bell's sister, Mary. She's in serious condition and is intubated and being transferred from St Luke's in Newburgh to either Valhalla or a hospital in the Bronx. Pray also for Ann.
UPDATE: Mary was transferred to Westchester Medical Center.
Received: January 17, 2025
Vickie Gallagher
1/17 (Vickie Gallagher): Please pray for all the people that are still affected by the hurricane in Western North Carolina. People are sleeping in tents, cars in the cold winter, and have lost absolutely everything
Received: January 17, 2025
Marrijane Raptopoulos
1/16 (Marrijane Raptopoulos): Continued thanks to all who have been praying for me and my health condition. There have been a few minor complications that are being addressed by my doctors and should be resolved. Please continue to keep me in your prayers, which have shown powerful positive effects in my life. Thank you.
Received: January 16, 2025
Marrijane Raptopoulos
1/16 (Marrijane Raptopoulos): Please pray for an extended family member, Elizabeth, who is being worked up for liver disease. She has been tested for genetic markers (negative) and all common liver diseases, also negative. Her doctors are perplexed. MRI and possible liver biopsy are being scheduled. May God grant the doctors wisdom and provide peace and comfort to Elizabeth during this time. Thank you.
Received: January 16, 2025
Susan nieves
1/16 (Susan Nieves): Please pray for Lynn Morrison who is suffering from terrible pain from her hip. Pray the doctors find the cause and a way to heal her.
Received: January 16, 2025
Update on John Young
1/15/25. (Carol OMalley): Update on John Young. John is doing well after minimally invasive surgery to remove a tumor from his stomach on Monday. He will remain in the hospital for a few days but is doing remarkably well. Thank you for your prayers and your continuing prayers as now the attention will be treating the stage 3 lung cancer he has.
Received: January 15, 2025
Carol OMalley
1/15/25. (Carol OMalley): Please pray for Laureen Friary for successful gall bladder surgery on Friday, 1/17.
Received: January 15, 2025
Dave & Carol OMalley
1/15/25. (Dave & Carol OMalley): Please pray for Dave's nephew, Patrick, who has mental illness and is in a very dark place right now. Please pray in Jesus name against the evil forces that are attacking his mind.