You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
arlene surprenant
7/17 (Arlene Suprenant): Prayers please for my sister Joyce who now has Macular Degeneration in her good eye (she already has it in other eye) and trying to accept this diagnosis. Prayers for my daughter Stacy who is seeing a pulmonologist for breathing and stomach issue going on too long. Prayers for my husband Vaughn who has lost his pain doctor for his severe back pain and fractured bones in back. Doc said he has too much going on in spine to continue his opiods. Plus his cognitive issues are getting worse and I am at my wits end. Overwhelmed and believe God has the right answer but this has been going on much too long. Going around in circles. Thank you for caring
Received: July 17, 2023
Dave OMalley
7/12 (Dave OMalley): Please pray for my brother, Joe, who has been suffering from severe neuropathy in his feet. He's been in pain for a long time before & after undergoing extensive neck/back surgeries. His quality of life has suffered greatly.
Received: July 12, 2023
Sunday Prayer Card Requests, 7/19/23
7/09 (Sunday Prayer card requests):
(Anon): Prayers for Angelo's family on his passing.
(Anon): Prayers for a friend who's son died a few weeks ago from a drug overdose. She is devastated Prayers for her to know God's presence & comfort.
(The Colucci Family): Please pray for Marie Colucci who will be having cataract surgery this week.
Also, please pray for a local family---husband and young sons-- on the unexpected death of their mom/wife. May God give them comfort during this difficult time.
Received: July 12, 2023
Judy Budryk
7/12 (Judy Budryk): My sister-in-law Pat Lyons is scheduled for cancer surgery (colon and kidney) tomorrow, Thursday July 13. Please pray for successful surgery and healing.
Received: July 12, 2023
7/11 (Edwina Pratt): Please pray for Jeff Miller. He is currently in the hospital in Florida with stomach pains. He is trying to get into a trial there for his Leukemia. His platelets have been very low and he is running a fever. His family is there with him in Tampa. Pray the doctors will find the current issue and he will be able to continue in the trial.
Received: July 11, 2023
Eva Kara
7/10 (Eva Kara): I had a wonderful visit today with my sister, Barbara, who is very ill. Please continue to pray for her to get better. Thank you.
Received: July 11, 2023
Sam G.
7/10 (From the Web): Lord Sammy was saved as a child, now he is prodigal. He is hanging with people who are perverted & wordly & is consuming way too much alcohol. He has a wonderful Christian girlfriend states away who he loves. Pray God brings Sammy back to Him, pray Sammy goes back to Jesus, pray God removes all ungodly friends from his life & places Godly people in his life to show him the way & remind him, pray he cherishes his girlfriend & shows her he cares with his fruits, or else she will end up breaking it off, pray Sammy turns his life around & is delivered from alcoholism, pray for his protection in Jesus Name, Amen.
Received: July 10, 2023
Carole Kosakowski
7/10 (Carole Kosakowski): Update: I just wanted to let everyone know my parents Tom and Jeannie Csillag are doing much better and seem to be well on their way to a good recovery from Covid. Thank you so much to all who have prayed!!
Received: July 10, 2023
Claire Vigna
7/9 (Claire Vigna): Please pray for my daughter Courtney as she leaves tomorrow for
school in Virginia. Safe travels, strength and ambition during the rigorous coursework, and a renewed sense of encouragement as she starts this new chapter of her life. Also, peace and comfort for me at this bitter sweet time.
Received: July 9, 2023
7/8 (From the Web): Lord Jesus Jehovah Rapha, heal, enlarge and repair the neural pathways of trust and love in A.C.R.'s brain, in Jesus Name, loose all betrayal, rejection and trauma out of her brain, shrink and remove those pathways and send those lies to the lake of fire in Jesus Name, Jehovah Rapha create in her, Oh Creator, new and strong pathways of trust, love, acceptance and faith, between her and her parents, and others, in Jesus Name, Lord remove and deliver her from the state of survival, fear, defensiveness, and rejection that she is always in, and give her a state of peace, comfort, acceptance and forgiveness, Lord help her remember more good memories and reduce her bad ones, in Jesus POWERFUL Name, Amen.
Received: July 8, 2023
Anthony roberts
7/7 (From the Web): Heavy prayer, finances, career, business, marriage, relationships, car house, favor angelic protrction, family,
Received: July 7, 2023
Ron Tompkins
7/7 (Ron Tompkins): Prayers for Charlie - for improved health and comfort for his family.
Received: July 7, 2023
Trish Tompkins
7/7 (Trish Tompkins): Prayers for Preston Cobb and his two co-workers who were all injured and burned in a chemical spill at work on Friday June 30th. Preston is a veteran who already suffered from PTSD and was planning on getting married at the end of July.
Prayers for his care team. his healing, his mental health and his family.
Received: July 7, 2023
Carole Csillag Kosakowski
7/6 (Carol Csillag Kosakowski): My parents Tom and Jeannie Csillag have just come down with Covid. So far they seem to be doing ok (although obviously not feeling well), so please keep them in your prayers. They are super special to me (and many others) and I hope and pray for a quick and complete recovery for them both. Thank you for praying!!
Received: July 6, 2023
Carol OMalley
7/6/23 (Carol OMalley): Prayers for peace & comfort for Sarah & Kevin Phillips on the death of Sarah's mother.
Received: July 6, 2023
Karen Nuessle update on Carl
6/3/23 (Karen Nuessle): Thank you for your prayers for Carl who suffered a fainting spell in church yesterday morning at the 8:30 service. He was taken to the hospital and after some tests and medications we returned home yesterday afternoon. He has an appointment with his cardiologist on Friday to follow up with the diagnosis (syncope) from the ER.
Received: July 3, 2023
Mimi Marchesona
7/2 (Mimi Marchesona): Please pray for my boyfriend Ethan as he goes into his second week at the NY State Trooper Academy. The days are very tough and he has no contact with anyone outside of the Academy. He needs strength and peace, physically and mentally to get through each day. Please be praying for his strength, peace and Gods presence to be there with him everyday. Thank you.
Received: July 2, 2023
Laureen Friary
7/1 (Laureen Friary): We were praying for little Natalie ... diagnosed with neuroblastoma 18 months ago. She went into remission a year ago after admittance to St Jude's.
She had her end of treatment scans last week ... it has returned, just not in bone marrow yet... so she will have to go back for probably another year.
The family is, of course, devastated, trying to enjoy a Vaca in Florida before they put her port's back in...
Please pray for the Dodge family ( she has 4 siblings), they thought she was coming home....
Received: July 1, 2023
7/1/23 (HRC--Nancy): My friend’s nephew, Taylor is going into surgery for a brain hemorrhage and mass.
Received: July 1, 2023
Lisa Ruvo
6/28 (Liisa Ruvo): Tyler and Kristina are finally returning from the Ukraine! They are in Poland and will be landing at JFK tomorrow night at 8pm. Thank you all so much for your continued prayers during these last 2 months. I know all the prayers have kept them safe, kept me sane, and I can never thank you enough for those prayers. Ron and I are truly blessed to belong to the HRC Community, the love of our church is amazing.
Please pray for safe passage from Poland to JFK. Thank you all again so very much:)
Received: June 28, 2023
Lisa Ruvo
6/28 (Lisa Ruvo): Please pray for our friend Denny who has been battling Multiple Myeloma for several years. He has been responding to a new treatment but now has developed pneumonia. As a result he has to miss a treatment which could interrupt his current battle. He and his wife have had a rough road and praying for some peace for them both and a return to treatment for him.
Thank you.
Received: June 28, 2023
Carol OMalley for Laura Rose
6/28 (Carol OM): Laura Rose (Nelson & Sue's daughter) has an appointment with a cardiologist today & a gastro doctor tomorrow. Please pray that someone can properly diagnose the problems she's having & help her with the correct treatments so she no longer has bouts of pain and has a better quality of life.
Received: June 28, 2023
Update From Julie Donato's FB post
6/27 (Julie Donato): Update on Joe after today's surgery from Julie's FB post tonight. "I left Joe in the neurological ICU, and he’s making good process. Of course, he’s in some pain, still groggy, but early indications are positive. He was able to stand, and tomorrow, he will walk. It seems that he has regained sensation of his legs and stomach — and his right hand can squeeze better. He looks good and is in good spirits. We are both going to sleep well tonight! Thank you all for so much love and support, it means the world. This has been a long and painful road but I feel very hopeful now."
Received: June 27, 2023
Julie Donato
6/27 (Julie Donato): Please pray for my husband Joe today as he undergoes surgery for a rare spinal condition. We hope and pray for relief from his disability and discomfort. Pray for my patience as I wait for what the doctors say will be 10 hours while he is in surgery and recovery.