You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
(From the Web...S): Please pray for me. I'm very worried and scared. I'm having some health issues that might be very serious. Please pray for healing and for a diagnosis that is not serious
Received: August 1, 2022
Dain Campbell
From the Web...Dain Campbell): Please pray for love and unity in my family and in the body of Christ.
Thank you. Have a bless day.
Received: July 31, 2022
arlene surprenant
(Arlene Surprenant): Please pray for my daughter Kim's health as she is going through a rough time with Covid with loss of taste and smell. She was supposed to leave on vacation tomorrow now that is postponed. Pray also that her family stays well. Thank you all.
Received: July 31, 2022
Carol Hand
(Carol Hand): Update: my best friend Maggie is home from the hospital. Will still have months of recovery.
Second: my husband Bob is home. We still have 4-6 weeks of iv treatment and hyperbaric chamber. Please continue prayers and that his job allows him to work remotely.
Thank you for all your prayers!
Received: July 30, 2022
Bev Hanna
(Bev Hanna): Prayers for Barb Scoralick who is is having 2 serious hearts procedures on Tuesday. I know Carol wants us to be specific so pray for the her doctor’s expertise in these procedures, that all goes well without any complications and that she can come home to recuperate.
Received: July 29, 2022
jan Elaine Sabellico
(Jan Sabellico): Please pray for strength and improved health for JoAnn D'Agostino as she looked very fragile when I met her and Joe coming out of Stop and Shop.
When I called her she did say she wasn't up to a lot of phone calls. (she is 87 and Joe is 95) thanks
Received: July 29, 2022
Carol McGann
(Carol & Greg McGann): Please pray for our son-in-law, Jim Valdez. He was taken to the hospital via ambulance late this afternoon with symptoms that might indicate stroke or something else. We are very concerned and appreciate your prayers for Jim and his wife, our daughter, Heather. Jim recently lost his father which, of course, was stressful.
Received: July 28, 2022
Phyllis Forde
(Phyllis Forde): Prayers for Bob Hand Carol's husband. He is in St. Luke's hospital with a Cellulitis in his right leg and an Infection in his toe that is down to the bone. He will be there until his fever comes down. He will be on a daily shot for six weeks. Pray that the 1V therapy heals the infection. Next step would be to amputate the toe. Thanks.
Received: July 27, 2022
Jan Bushey
(Jan Bushey): My oldest sister, Joyce, is experiencing both physical and emotional problems. Her physical illness is making her anxious and depressed. She is normally an active, positive person, serving the Lord in a variety of ways. Now she is unable to lead her Bible study or participate at her church. Please pray for an understanding of what is causing her illness and ways she can be helped to address it. Please ask God to intervene! I am currently in Pennsylvania with her.
Received: July 25, 2022
(Anon): Prayers for Mike Nolan's mom, Margret, who was recently diagnosed with cancer. Prayers for her doctors and treatment team. Prayers for strength and direction for Mike as he supports and encourages his mom.
Received: July 25, 2022
Cyndy Warren
(Cyndy Warren): Update on my sister Chris: she passed on Friday afternoon. She was on hospice care at that point, so was being made comfortable and resting calmly. I am grateful for all your prayers, and that she is at peace in the presence of her savior now.
Received: July 24, 2022
Carol Hand
(Carol Hand): My best friend Maggie Boyle is in a Saratoga hospital in ICU with chronic back pain, a uti infection and has had several seizures. She is touch and go right now. Asking for prayers for her and her companion Mark as the doctors treat her!
Received: July 22, 2022
Ryan Scott
(From the Web...Ryan Scott): Please pray for healing of the constant ringing in my ears, nerve/burning in my face and jaw joint and stomach issues due ti the stress it causes. Been asking for this to be prayed over for awhile now and to no avail or relief. So many people have prayed but nothing has lifted and I feel ever more abandoned, forgotten and as if the Lord has turned His face away from me.
Received: July 21, 2022
Sandy Taylor
(Sandy Taylor): Pray for healing from left foot surgery on 7/20/22 at Vassar Ambulatory in Poughkeepsie. I'll have to wear a heavy surgical boot for a week.
Received: July 21, 2022
Cyndy Warren
(Cyndy Warren): update on my sister Chris: she has been in the ER all evening hallucinating and writhing with spasms of dyskinesia from her Parkinson's meds. They have gotten her quieted and sleeping finally, and she is going back to the Skilled Care (nursing home, basically) floor of the hospital. Her various doctors have all seen her this week and are not very encouraging. Pray that they can make her comfortable and at peace.
Received: July 16, 2022
William Snyder
(From the Web...William Snyder): Please pray for my wife Linda Snyder, she has stage four cancer in her lungs, small intestines and liver. Let the good lord touch her and heal her of this disease! Let her tell the world of a Miracle!! In name our Lord Jesus Christ Amen!!
Received: July 15, 2022
Lorraine valk
(Lorraine Valk): My brother John Travis was released from the hospital on his birthday 7/13. This is his second blood infection this year. Thanks for all your prayers
Received: July 14, 2022
(Anon): Please pray for Kerry Moustakas. Kerry is recovering from neck surgery. Please pray for a complete and thorough healing, that the surgery done will relieve the pain she had and continued direction for doctors
Received: July 14, 2022
Linda boysen
(Linda Boysen): Pray that my aftercare appointments after breast cancer are all negative and I dont get chemo side effects from which they keep checking for.
Received: July 13, 2022
Carol OMalley
(Carol OMalley): Please pray for Jeff & Theresa Gerlach. Theresa is having a tough recovery from cancer surgery at Sloan Kettering in NYC. Pray her heartbeat stabilizes, she regains strength, and pray against any infection or other difficulties. Please pray that they feel God's comfort and peace surround them during this time. Thank you for your continued prayers.
Received: July 13, 2022
Prayer Card Requests from Sunday, 7/10/22
(Prayer Card Requests , Sunday, 7/10/22)
(Vickie Gallagher): Please pray for my friend Karen as she's fighting for her life (stage 4 kidney cancer). She's so lonely and needs to find her place where she'll be happy.
(Doug Archer): 1. Need prayer for niece, Barbara, in Buffalo. She has major health issues.
2. Pray for Kairos to restart in Fishkill Correctional.
Received: July 13, 2022
(From the Web...Anon): May you please pray for a financial breakthrough for me
Received: July 12, 2022
Jeanne Csillag
(Jeanne Csillag): Please pray for my friend Karen who had a brain tumor successfully removed, her insurance stopped her rehab and she was unable to go to her own home because she still cannot do things in her own. She is at her sister’s and waiting for home therapy to come to her sister’s home. Please pray for intervention with her insurance so that she can get the care she needs to get well.
Received: July 12, 2022
Lourdes Kleid
(Lourdes Kleid): Asking for prayers for Deanna Tracy. She was an HRC youth. She will be spending the next two weeks in the Dominican Republic with Students International and will be working in the education site. This is the first time she’s done this without a team so it’s a big step. Please pray for her and those she will be blessing for the next two weeks.
Received: July 11, 2022
Mary of Waite
(From the Web...Mary of Waite): Please pray for my 81 year old father & my 80 year old mother they don't feel well lately. Please pray for my entire family & family of origin for health,emotional, spiritual,financial, & addiction problems.My family has wandered so far from God!! URGENT!! I WILL PRAY FOR YOU TOO!!