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Prayed for 10 times.

Sunday Prayer Card Requests, 12/01/24

12/01/24. Sunday Prayer Card Requests:

(Marjory Fiorile): Please pray for my knee replacement surgery, Dec 11th.

(Betsy M.): My husband, John, is back in afib w/his heart. Please pray for a regular heartbeat again.

(Donna Hitsman): *Ruth, a dear friend, was diagnosed w/Stage 4 metastatic abdominal cancer. Given 6 months. Husband Jim is very upset.

*Jubie (bus driver fro Arlingtion) passed away on Thanksgiving of cancer. Please pray for his family.

(Anon): Pray for the Darcy famlly that they are comforted after the death of their son Matthew and not lose their Christian faith.

Received: December 1, 2024

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