I prayed for this

Prayed for 14 times.

Scott F Quimby

(Scott Quimby): Please pray for Michele and all the other healthcare workers in NY and CT about to be fired on 10/1 because they either will not or cannot take the COVID-19 vaccine for religious or medical reasons, but have been unfairly denied exemptions or accommodations. Michele also had COVID-19 so she is naturally immune, but she has been told in writing that immunity doesn't matter. Her doctors have told her that her kidneys will most likely fail from the shot based upon her past history, but they are too scared to write this due to threats from their employers that they can't write any exemptions - no matter how legitimate. Pray that God will make a way where there is no way to both keep people safe and make a reasonable accommodation to allow them to keep their jobs.

Received: September 27, 2021

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